Management Operating Systems (MOS)

Why do bad things happen to good organizations? New management disasters are surfacing on an almost daily basis, revealing serious issues such as:

  • Flawed strategies
  • Poor customer satisfaction
  • Ineffective financial management
  • Error-prone operations
  • Weak risk and compliance processes
  • Inadequate remedial actions

Gupton Marrs International believes the root cause of such problems is that today’s management “control systems” have never been properly architected to deal with today’s complexity, velocity of change, and unforgiving environment. To address this problem, we have developed 21st century Management Operating System (MOS) solutions that can help stakeholders consistently get from where they are to where they want to go, and assist in “getting back on track” whenever problems occur.

Gupton Marrs International responds to COVID-19 pandemic by helping organizations "Build Back Better"!